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5 Reasons Why Your School Should Stand4Change

Need a way to address bullying or intolerance in your school? Defeat the Label’s Stand4Change Day is JUST what you are looking for! Here are 5 reasons why your school should Stand4Change on May 5, 2017!

1. Unite with Schools Worldwidepeople-2129933_1280

Stand4Change Day is Defeat the Label’s yearly call to action. This event allows students to take part in Defeat the Label’s impactful, interactive anti-bullying activities at their own school while joining millions of students around the globe, to physically take a stand against bullying in their classroom. Registered schools receive a customized digital toolkit and video message from a Defeat the Label Ambassador. Over 5.4 million students stood up with Defeat the Label in 2016 to take a stand against bullying. Join us as we stand together again on May 5th, 2017 at 12 PM E.S.T.

2. Create a Safe School and Community

Visit DefeattheLabel.com and make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to learn how you can create an inclusive, judgment free society within your school. Don’t forget to let everyone know that your school is participating in Stand4Change Day 2017 on May 5th. Spread the message through social media and share it with the other schools in your district so they can see all the amazing things you do!

3. Teach Your Students How to be UpstandersUPSTANDER NEW SPLASH with DTL RED and WHITE FOR BAGS

An Upstander is a person who stands up or helps someone in need whether they are a victim of bullying or if they are just being treated unfairly. Upstanders recognize that they have the power to make a difference in their school and community.  Once you register, look for a special, “How to be an Upstander” section in your Stand4Change Day 2017 Toolkit.

4. Encourage Students to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

We all can make a difference in someone’s life- Let’s make sure those students know that they are not alone. Sometimes, a random act of kindness, a smile or simply asking “How are you?” can turn someone’s day around. The Stand4Change Day 2017 Toolkit will contain ideas to help spread kindness and support throughout your school.

5. Express Your School’s Creativity!

Allow your students to get creative as they prepare for Stand4Change 2017 on May 5th! Create anti-bullying awareness posters or banners to hang in the school. Do you have a AV Club? Have students recruit others and create a PSA to show on May 5th. The ways to participate in Stand4Change are ENDLESS! Make sure to register for Stand4Change 2017 at www.stand4change.org today to start receiving your Stand4Change newsletter filled with many creative ideas on how you can creatively prepare your school to stand up on May 5th.

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