Are you afraid your child is being bullied and you don’t know how to ask?
Are you starting to question the answer of “fine” every time you ask them how their day was?
These six questions will help you get a better understanding of what goes on during your child’s day at school and will help you figure out if he/she is being bullied. There are many different reasons why kids might be afraid to tell an adult when someone is targeting them so here are some inadvertent questions that may help them open up to you!
- “I’ve heard a lot about bullying on the news lately. Does that happen at your school?”
- “Are there kids at your school that are always hurting other kids feelings? Do they ever hurt your feelings?”
- “Are there any kids at school this year that you don’t really like? Why don’t you like them?”
- “Who do you sit with at lunch or on the bus?”
- “Do kids at your school use mean words to describe other students? Has anyone ever used mean words to describe you?”
- “Are you enjoying gym class this year? Are any of your friends in the class with you?”
If you feel as though your child is a victim of bullying, it is important not to over react. Do not blame your child- it is NOT their fault. Assure your child that you are there for them and they can always talk to you.
Next, talk with the school. Make an appointment to sit down with their teacher and/or counselor. Let them know what is happening to your child and share your concerns. You are the best advocate for your child and teachers are in a great position because they see your child interact with the other students on a daily basis. Make a game plan and stay in contact the school.