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Community Conversation on Bullying

Community Conversation on Bullying

This annual one day conference features experts in the field of education, anti-bullying, restorative justice, mental health, and specialized student needs. At Defeat the Label, we know that bullying is not just in the schools, and not limited to our students. We know that bullying impacts a whole community, so we believe that it takes a community working together to address the problem.

Attendees of the Community Conversation on Bullying include:

State Department of Education employees, administrators, superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors, social works, and many more. This conference takes place each fall and is open to anyone who is interested in attending.


  • Annual conference opportunity for educators, social workers, counselors,. administrators
  • Nationally known experts on fields relating to Bullying and other SEL topics
  • Available online for review or participation
  • Feel free to suggest topics or speakers at info@defeatthelabel.com

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Community Conversation on Bullying

This annual one day conference features experts in the field of education, anti-bullying, restorative justice, mental health, and specialized student needs. At Defeat the Label, we know that bullying is not just in the schools, and not limited to our students.

Bullying is No Joke!

Defeat the Label’s signature, yearly event, "Bullying is No Joke; An Evening of Comedy in Support of Anti-Bullying" brings some of the brightest, and funniest voices in comedy to support Defeat the Label’s school based programming.

Student Leadership Conference

Offered on rotating years, the Student Leadership Conference provides an opportunity for students to hone their leadership schools, while hearing from presenters in a variety of topics.

Raising the Bar

An evening for adults, Raising the Bar brings some of our favorite supporters and partners, members of the legal community, literally called to “The Bar”, a night of laughs, drinks, and support for our in school programs. This event rotates on our event calendar.