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Frequent Questions


Please contact us if you have any further questions.

How much does it cost?

Stand4Change is free and open to everyone!

Can home-schooled children participate?

Yes, they can- we even are lucky to count the HSLDA as a partner on the event.

Is there a main event?

Visit www.stand4change.org and register your school to be a participant in Stand4Change Day 2024. We will make sure that you start to receive our weekly newsletter filled with activities that students can do in the classroom with you, or you can use them in your e-learning plans. You will also receive our S4C 2024 Toolkit filled with great activities.

Do you accept donations?

We sure do! visit our page.

When will I receive the toolkit and newsletter?

Sign up at www.stand4change.org and start receiving the newsletter in April, the Toolkit will arrive the last week of April so you can plan accordingly.

What types of schools can participate?

Any and all!

How long is the assembly?

However long you would like it be.

I heard that movie stars have participated in Stand4Change Day – Is this true?

Yes it is! You can check out some of our pervious guests on our Youtube channel.

Friday, January 31, 2025
Stand4Change Attendance

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